The impact of COVID-19 on TV viewing
The new coronavirus - COVID-19, which has been declared a pandemic, is in the media spotlight today. It’s interesting how the current situation affected the behavior of Georgian TV viewing.
If we analyze the TV broadcast, the share of news programs has increased since the end of February. The largest number of news programs aired on the week of February 26, when the first case of infection with a new coronavirus was registered in Georgia. During March 9-15, the rate of watching the main news programs of the day on the leading channels increased by about 10%, compared to the previous period.
The change also affected the habit of time-shifting news programs. For example, last week's 21:00 news program on Mtavari Channel was time-shifted by about 33% of viewers, while in the previous period this figure did not exceed 26%. The time-shifted rate of 20:00 news program on Imedi TV increased from 5% to 10%, and 21:00 news program “Kurieri” increased from 4% to 12%.
The situation in the country and in the world has not affected the viewing habits in 7 big cities of Georgia. The behavior of watching TV has not changed significantly for children as well. As it is known, according to the resolution of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, the study has been suspended until April 1, 2020. However, children do not seem to spend their time with TVs. The behavior of children's TV viewing may change after the implementation of the new initiative of the Ministry. In case of prolongation of the holiday process in schools, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports may offer TV lessons to students in collaboration with the Georgian Public Broadcaster.
სკოლებში არდადეგების გახანგრძლივების შემთხვევაში, სამინისტრო მოსწავლეებს ტელეგაკვეთილებს შესთავაზებს. (n.d.). Retrieved from

By Sofo LezhavaOn 19 March, 2020