Expansion of the TV Audience Measuring Panel in Georgia
2021 started with good news for ”Tri Media Intelligence”. As announced at a joint conference of TMI and “Kantar Media” on February 27, 2020, it is planned to increase the size of the TV audience measurement panel across the country (excluding occupied territories). The universe of updated panel will be the following: people living in urban areas where more than 80% of the population speaks Georgian fluently, are 4 years old and older, live in private households and own at least one working TV, which is used for watching TV programs. This expansion means that the TAM panel will increase by 45% to 800 households, with the following distribution: Tbilisi - 250, 6 big cities - 250 (population 40 thousand and more), the rest of Georgia (urban and rural settlements) - 300.
TMI will leverage “Kantar’s” latest technology to deliver more granular data on consumer viewing habits in the country. The new service will include the roll-out of “Kantar’s” People Meter 7, the latest in a new generation of meters that uses a touch-screen tablet to measure viewing on TV sets whether live or via catch-up services.
The mentioned news is already posted on “Kantar Media” web site.
Information about the expansion of the TAM panel planned by TMI and Kantar was also spread on several foreign web sites:
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By Sofo LezhavaOn 21 January, 2021