Letter from the Director of "Tri Media Intelligence"
Welcome Dear Readers,
I am pleased to welcome you on our company’s updated website.
As an American historian Daniel Boorstin once noted: "Nothing is real unless it happens on television." Nowadays, we live in the postmodern world, where reality is largely shaped by television. Consequently, it is crucial to be able to make analysis of what content is being broadcasted on TV and what segment of population and how frequently, consumes this content.
Our goal is to offer you interesting articles, facts, briefs and etc. through the website, regarding interesting trends of TV viewing for those 7 big cities of Georgia, where TMI has its panel.
I would also like to provide you with information about TMI’s future plans. Our company is focused on constants development and innovation, to enrich TV measurement in Georgia. Accordingly, in collaboration with "Kantar Media", we have developed a plan of how to increase the panel in such a way to cover the viewing habits of entire Georgia. This will help broadcasters to get to know the viewing character of their viewers across the country, as well as advertising agencies and state institutions, to better determine the effectiveness of their social or advertising campaigns.
Good luck and best wishes,
Ana Lordkipanidze
Director of “Tri Media Intelligence”

By Sofo LezhavaOn 17 March, 2020